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Daimler Trucks præsenterer brintlastbil – Brintbiler.dk

Daimler Trucks præsenterer brintlastbil

Lastbilgiganten Daimler Trucks præsenterede i denne uge en Mercedes-Benz GenH2 brintlastbil i en konceptvideo. GenH2’en baseres på Mercedes-Benz Actros, og vil have en rækkevidde på mere end 1000 km. på en tank, og vil kunne fragte 25 ton. I videoen demonstreres teknologien i GenH2, som vil blive forbrugertestet i løbet af 2023, og planen er at sætte lastbilen i produktion efter 2025. 

I forbindelse med præsentationen af GenH2, udtalte Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management hos Daimler Truck AG:

“We are consistently pursuing our vision of CO2-neutral transport with a focus on the genuinely locally CO2-neutral technologies battery power and hydrogen-based fuel cells, which have the potential to succeed in the market in the long term. This combination enables us to offer our customers the best vehicle options, depending on the application. Battery power will be rather used for lower cargo weights and for shorter distances. Fuel-cell power will tend to be the preferred option for heavier loads and longer distances. Our customers make rational purchasing decisions and are unwilling to compromise on their trucks’ suitability for everyday use, tonnage and range. With our alternative drive concepts from Mercedes-Benz – the GenH2 Truck, the eActros LongHaul and the eActros – and our electric trucks of the Freightliner and FUSO brands, we have a clear focus on customer requirements and are creating genuine locally CO2-neutral alternatives for them. We have now set out the key technological specifications of our electric trucks so that the requirements are known to everyone involved at an early stage. It is now up to policymakers, other players and society as a whole to provide the right framework conditions. To make CO2-neutral all-electric vehicles competitive, regulatory and government action is needed, including the necessary infrastructure for charging with green electricity and for the production, storage and transport of green liquid hydrogen.”

Du kan læse mere om Daimlers brintsatsning og se hele præsentationen her.  

2020-09-17T11:39:02+00:0017. september 2020|