Den sydkoreanske bilgigant Hyundai Motor Group tager deres brintindsats skridtet videre. Den globale virksomhed samler sine 20 års erfaringer indenfor brint- og brændselscelleteknologi under brand’et HTWO. Formålet er at samle kompetencer og strømline indsatsen for at udbrede brintteknologien til transporten.
HTWO er en forkortelse, der spiller både på brintens betegnelse “H2” og står for “Hydrogen” og “Humanity”, der er grundsøjlerne i Hyundais brændselscelleforretning.
I et statement fra Hyundai Motor Group vedrørende den intensiverede brintindsats og etableringen af HTWO lyder det
“With HTWO, Hyundai Motor Group is stepping up efforts for the development of a next-generation hydrogen fuel cell system that can be applied to various forms of mobility such as UAM, automobiles, vessels and trains. Not only will the next-generation fuel cell system be available for many different mobility products and services, it will deliver enhanced performance and durability at an affordable price in a lighter architecture with enhanced energy density. With its next generation fuel cell system, the group aims to offer a highly efficient and diversified lineup of hydrogen-powered vehicles.
Through strategic partnerships with hydrogen, energy and logistics companies around the world, Hyundai Motor Group has expanded its fuel cell system business, accelerating development of a hydrogen society and laying the foundation for the company’s HTWO brand, with initial focus on major hub regions – Korea, the United States, Europe and China.”
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