Brint til transport vinder større og større indpas over alt i verden og særligt i Europa. En ny plan for et landsdækkende netværk af brinttankstationer i Storbritannien er netop blevet præsenteret. Planen indeholder både storskala brintproduktion, lagring og tankstationer. Skalaen betyder, at prisen på brint bliver reduceret med mere end 20%.
Virksomhederne Getech Group og H2 Green skal stå for udrulningen i samarbejde med UK geoscience, og planen indeholder muligheden for, at Getech Greoup kan opkøbe H2 Green.
I forbindelse med offentliggørelsen udtalte Jonathan Copus, CEO hos Getech:
“The hydrogen economy is an exciting growth area where we see material potential to apply Getech’s geoscience and geospatial expertise in work for existing and new energy customers.
We are therefore delighted to be using our core skills to support the creation of a national hydrogen infrastructure.
The opportunities for our skills and technologies to generate revenue whilst supporting the decarbonisation of the transport sector are significant.
Getech’s option to purchase H2 Green is illustrative of the ambition, scope and materiality of the group’s zero-carbon business development activities.
This option provides Getech shareholders with a potential path to capturing transformative asset value, and this is a commercial model that Getech is exploring in other areas of its energy transition work.”
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