Paris tester brintbusser

I de næste uger påbegyndes en test af brintbusser på gaderne i Paris. De 12 brintbusser er fra Solaris, og skal give det offentlige transportselskab, RATP Group, et indblik i teknologiens bidrag til den grønne omstilling.

I forbindelse med påbegyndelsen af testen af brintbusserne udtalte Marie-Claude Dupuis, RATP Group Deputy General Manager:

“RATP group, committed to the development of smart and sustainable cities, is proud to collaborate with Solaris to test its Urbino 12 hydrogen bus. Hydrogen is indeed a major issue for the years to come. Taking up this challenge and testing new energies, the Group continues to be at the forefront of the energy transition.”

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2020-10-26T11:28:12+00:0026. oktober 2020|