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Taxaflåde på brint når milepæl – Brintbiler.dk

Taxaflåde på brint når milepæl

Nederlandenes første taxaflåde har nået en imponerende milepæl. Siden juni har flåden kørt 1,5 millioner kilometer i og omkring Haag. Samtlige 1,5 millioner kilometer er tilbagelagt uden andre emissioner, end en lille smule vanddamp. Flåden består af 40 Toyota Mirai, og ejes af Noot Passenger Transport. Taxaerne har været i daglig drift siden juni sidste år uden problemer.

I forbindelse med markeringen af milepælen udtalte Martijn Kersing, Noot Passenger Transports direktør:

“Due to the large range of the Toyota Mirai and the fact that you can fill it up quickly, we can meet all the requirements of this type of transport.

An additional advantage is that the car is spacious and comfortable. A bull’s eye now, because with 1.5 million kilometres driven, the first hydrogen-powered taxi fleet in the Netherlands is justifiably a success.”

Jan-Christiaan Koenders, som er Managing Director hos Toyota-importøren Louwman & Parqui, glædede sig også over de mange emissionsfri taxature:

“We are of course very proud that the Toyotas Mirai are used so often. Our hydrogen car is therefore ideal for taxi transport: spacious, quiet, very comfortable and of course 100% electric without the car having to be at a charging station for a long time.

All praise for Noot Passenger Transport who has successfully gone off the beaten track with his choice. This is a great milestone in the energy transition.”

Læs mere her.

2020-10-01T15:31:00+00:001. oktober 2020|